Social Darling Frock GROSGRAIN GIVEAWAY!!!!
I thought this dress was very unique so i'm posting this in hopes that I win!! I need more church clothes! :)
Christmas Day 2017
7 years ago
I had to get a shot of his tail feathers! So cute!
He was more interested in playing in the gravel on the road, I'm sure next year will be different!
We ran into our friends that live in our neighborhood. Chloe was the cutest pirate!!
Kalli and Kaiden checking out all their goodies. Kalli was Tinkerbell and Kaiden was Frankenstein! Cute and scary!
For some reason we didn't get a pic of all the kids together. Maybe next year!
John and Anthony & Aaron and Grey (notice how no one is looking in the same
Aaron got Grey the cutest little motorcross onesie so he had to wear it at the race!
Grey thought the race was a real nail biter!
Boys in blue! Grey & Papa on the 3-wheeler.