Thursday, March 26, 2009

Here comes Greyson Cottontail!!

I know 20 years from now Greyson will kill me for this picture but I had to do it! He's so adorable! Plus it's getting me in the mood for Spring and Easter!
*Yes, I do dress my child this was taken right before he got dressed one morning. Check out that Budha belly! That's our chunky monkey, I mean Greyson Cottontail!


Jenn said...

What a cutie!

Jamie Hamilton said...

Look Lisa, we live in the dirty DS. You don't have to be ashamed of letting your baby go around in nothing but a diaper. I've seen it in Walmart, in random front yards - I know you're just want Greyson to fit in.

Omi said...

he is so stinkin cute!!! i think babies are most adorable without clothes. you can't see the diaper booties, chunky thighs and buda bellies with the clothes on! He is growing so fast!

Lisa and Aaron said...

Haha SO true Jamie, so so true! lol

becs said...

O MY GOODNESS! HE IS SO CUTE! I just want to squish him!

Holly said...

That is a super cute picture. I love the chunkiness.