So about a month before I was due with Greyson Aaron went in for knee surgery. Yes, about 12 years ago my husband had a pretty bad dirt bike crash and tore his ACL, since then he's been dealing with the pain and creating more damage in the process. But since we have pretty good insurance at the moment and with the baby coming he figured now would be a good time to get it fix. Yes, this severly stressed me out! Being pregnant I was scared to death that I would have a husband that couldn't walk and a baby to take care of...and what I got was another story! (See below) I have to admit that seeing him all doped up on the meds before he went in for surgery was pretty funny! He doesn't even remember taking this pic, notice the droopy eyes... I am glad to say that he recovered very well from the ACL replacement and was up and about pretty quickly afterwards. The only scare I had was in the middle of the night the day after his surgery when he got up to use the restroom, he used his crutches to get to the bathroom and right after he was done doing his "business" I hear this loud CRASH. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom scared to death and find my husband on the ground in front of the toilet! I asked him if he was ok and he just said that he fell, obviously he fainted and I was freaking out but all he wanted to do was go to sleep on the bathroom floor! Later on he said it was really cool and just felt good to lay on. Fortunately, he fell back and not forward and his knee was still in the brace so no damage was done, except to my bathroom scale-Aaron fell on it and put a huge dent in it!
Surgery #2:
So about 3 weeks after his ACL replacement Aaron went in for shoulder surgery. It was supposed to be a pretty simple surgery (a scope job for those who know what that is exactly) but, of course, the doctor found waaaaay more damage than he expected and now Aaron has about 3 months of recovery before he can really start to use his shoulder again. Keep in mind that I was 3 weeks away from my due date when Aaron went in for surgery! My worries of having a husband on crutches went away but now I have a husband who can't use his right arm! I don't have any pics from his shoulder surgery, sorry!
Hurricane Gustav & Baby Greyson
Monday, Sept. 1, 2008 Hurricane Gustav his the Louisiana coast. Robin, Joe, Kaiden and Kalli spent the night at our house the Sunday before the storm hit, they have a ton of trees in their yard so they played it safe and stayed with us in our treeless neighborhood. Considering the circumstances (losing power around 1 pm and being cooped up in the house all day Monday) we actually had a fun time during the storm. Joe and the kids played in the rain and wind and the kids ran away from the mean goose that terrorizes the kids in our neighborhood. Seriously, this goose bit Kaiden in the crotch the one time-yes, Kaiden did try to feed him rocks but still! I thought I had pics of our hurricane activities but I can't find them. After the storm we drove around and surveyed the damage around Denham, which pretty much consisted of fallen trees and down powerlines everywhere. That night we went over to the Britts for a little BBQ, they had a generator so the breeze of a box fan was much appreciated and the food was great! Aaron and I had a good visit with the Britts and Kerns, but we were exhausted and headed home kinda early hoping we would be able to sleep okay without a/c. I decided to take a cool bath to help me get to sleep which felt great! And surprisingly our house was actually pretty cool so I had no trouble falling asleep around 10pm. Well around 11:30pm I woke up and kinda felt weird, but I thought I just needed to use the restroom (being 38wks pregnant its not unusual to wake up having to pee! lol) I got up and went to the bathroom and the second I walked through the bathroom door my water broke! Needless to say, I'm freaking out and trying to clean up and get myself together! Aaron wakes up and asks if everything is okay and I tell him the news so he jumps out of bed and starts getting stuff together (Remember, Aaron had shoulder surgery less than a week before this and is still in a lot of pain and wearing a arm brace!) So we're scattering around flashlights and all trying to get everything else we might need in my hospital bag and head off to the hospital in the pitch black night. Yes, there is no power anywhere because of the storm so there are no street lights, trees are down everywhere blocking roads, and powerlines are also down everywhere. The ride from our house to the hospital was seriously the scariest ride of my life! Aaron drove his car since its higher up, but its a standard so he's driving and shifting with his left arm only! Not to mention he had taken a pain pill before he went to bed and later on told me it had just kicked in when my water broke! Scary! We did make it to the hospital safely, only to be disappointed by the fact that the hospital was running on generators and had no a/c either! I am very grateful to say that I had a very easy delivery, we arrived at the hospital a little after midnight and our son arrived at 6:02 am after 30-45 mins of pushing. Greyson was 7lbs 9oz and 20.5 inches long and completely healthy! : ) Here's a pic of the proud daddy and Grandma holding Greyson for the first time! Sorry I'm not posting any pics of me, delivering a baby makes a woman look rough enough but delivering a baby with no a/c made me look REALLY rough so I'm vain and don't want hideous pics of me on my blog!